Unexpected events in our personal life, at work and in the economy started a sequence of events that ended up with us becoming a 'Full-Time RVers'. Truth is - we love it! and enjoy every moment we can. On the way, we are learning how to make this huge shift and share those experiences with you.
Aug 10, 2011
Last Episode for the Season
Jul 27, 2011
It has been a week already
Hard to believe but it has already been a full week since I came back from CA with my son. When you don’t think about it, is seems like the time flies, yet on the other hand it feels like my son is living here forever. Turmoil and storms are calming down and dust is setting as our life starting to shape its new tracks with the wheels of time.
Jul 19, 2011
Same Life New Chapter
Jul 17, 2011
A Week in a Room
Jul 11, 2011
Little Wins and Bigger Hopes
Jul 6, 2011
City Hikers
Jul 2, 2011
Adjusting to gray
Jun 26, 2011
Blown up trip
Jun 17, 2011
Fantasy Over
Not so simple these days. the hope that things will get smooth for me, and for my son is gone, and I might need to postpone my travel back North yet again. Just when everything seemed to fall into place and the end of the turmoil was in the visible horizon, everything flipped again. I miss Patti and can’t wait to get out of here. Too much and too long.
Jun 12, 2011
Bumpy Road Take me Home
As you probably know, Patti and I are going through many changes this month, in each and every aspect of our life. This roller coaster ride is not always so smooth, and there are bumps on the way. With a lot of love and energies we just past yet another such bump. Hopefully the last.
Jun 8, 2011
The unfulfilled Itch
Jun 4, 2011
RV Shabbat in CA
It has been just couple days since I posted my last blog post, but these last couple days were so full of events, that if I will wait few more days the blog would either be too long, or I will just forget it. Yesterday was actually a great night, and I am pretty proud of myself for what I prepared, so if you want the menu and recipe, it’s right here, and much more.
Jun 3, 2011
Slowly moving fast
May 28, 2011
We got a House
After a short house hunt, Patti finally found a house for us. She looked at many houses, some too far, some too expensive, and some too fancy for us. This one looks like just what we needed, although I haven’t seen it myself yet. So slowly things are moving on.
May 23, 2011
Countdown begun
Countdown for what? Great Question. I think the countdown to life, to normal life. Our life are now in the air, not here and not there. That is how we crossed from the ‘other’[ side to RV Life, and that is how we are crossing back. But how is it a countdown? In a countdown you start from a number and actually counting down. But we? we don’t know when this will end, so we don’t have a starting point to count down from. Better pick a high number.
May 16, 2011
One more week behind. Today is Patti’s first day at work (Good Luck Patti), and the second day in WA. Already looking for a house. Events are moving fast, so fast that sometimes it is hard to notice. With all the changes that are coming on our way we start feeling some bumps too, trying to smooth it up with air ride. Hope nothing breaks on the way.
May 9, 2011
Settle Process Begun
Time flies by, day by day and yet another week is behind us. The process of moving back to the ‘other’ side seems closer than ever. As a matter of fact, I think we have already started it. Many of our friends are planning to become Full Time RVers, and are in some stage of the process of preparing for the big day. Funny, as we are planning the cross back.
May 1, 2011
Am I a Full Timer
Technically, we live in an RV, so we could say we are still full time RVing, but are we? What makes us RVers and not just ‘living in a mobile home’? I am not 100% sure I know the answer, and maybe it is just a stage in the process of resuming different ‘normal’ life, at least for a while.
Apr 25, 2011
And it keeps coming
Apr 21, 2011
Life has a Plan of its own
Apr 11, 2011
Spring has come, Passover is approaching
Apr 7, 2011
The Best Kept Secret in SoCal
When reading this description many places may come to mind, but not crowded Southern California. We were surprised too.
Apr 1, 2011
Sun of a Beach
Mar 27, 2011
Signs of Spring
Mar 24, 2011
Rainy week in SoCal
It has been rainy most of the week this week here on the San Juan mountains Region. We resumed into maintenance mode, and still not done with it. Typical maintenance week of a fifth wheel RV and Truck,
Mar 18, 2011
Pacific Weekend
What a perfect ending to a busy work week – Patti my lovely wife – has prepared a wonderful Shabbat Dinner for us, Baked Challah, lighted the candles and joined me to welcome Shabbat.
Mar 17, 2011
Time flies
Unbelievable, tomorrow is already Friday! staying here and working all week and the time flies around us just by itself. Winter left behind, time moved ahead, and the earth is still turning. Hope to get some excitement this weekend, wait and see.
Mar 14, 2011
The full Version
We will have to figure out what to do tomorrow morning since we have to have internet here. I don't understand why this is always an issue. It is as important as water and electricity and the infrastructure is not so expensive. Why can't we expect to have high quality reliable internet at the campground just like hotels. It is always a challenge.
So just a short update until I can post a normal blog.. just had the greatest time with my son this w/e my daughter did not join, I guess she had more important things to do (i know, what can I say...)
This coming week I am going to be swamped with work, but next w/e we plan some hiking in the area, so fun is coming. Will keep you posted
Mar 11, 2011
Inside a Movie
Mar 9, 2011
Sedona I
Mar 5, 2011
Sedona Intro
Mar 1, 2011
Follow a follower with custofriend
Feb 26, 2011
Shabbat Shalom AZ
Feb 24, 2011
Jailed in a Resort
Feb 23, 2011
City that Rocks
Feb 19, 2011
Have you been to Stay
Feb 17, 2011
Walk the Catwalk
Internet RV
Last couple days we have been working without too much happening. We are having lots of fun in the sun and planning our next adventures in the area. This is a perfect opportunity to talk about some technical issue that is extremely important to most of us – Being Always connected to the Internet.
Feb 14, 2011
Unforgettable Night
Feb 12, 2011
Epic Southern Post
It’s getting better by the day! We actually visited a national park today! I missed it – walking in the southern sun, enjoying the beautiful nature around us. The camera worked overtime today, like the good’ol days. What a beautiful day.
Feb 11, 2011
The day the winter died
Feb 10, 2011
Cold is almost over
Feb 7, 2011
The move begun
Feb 6, 2011
Harsh Landing
Feb 3, 2011
Cutting it short
Feb 2, 2011
Footprints in the sand
After a stressful morning we decided to take some time off and walk to north shoreline. The weather was perfect and we had nothing but great time. Our heart was with the people suffering in the US from the storm, but thankfully the rest of the body was here.
Feb 1, 2011
Cold Rainy Day
Jan 30, 2011
Childhood Memories
Jan 29, 2011
Follow the sun
Jan 27, 2011
Home Town Delights
Jan 24, 2011
All my bags are packed
I hate being lied to
It’s all about cellular companies, I hate it when they couldn’t care less about promises they made and the just laugh at you. This time it is Verizon. On September 4th last year we went to their store and switched from AT&T. The whole story is here but to make a long story short, I took a simple phone because I wanted to wait and see how the Windows Phone 7 is going to look like, and wasn’t sure yet about the Droid. So today was the day we decided to make the switch – Patti is not so happy with Droid after all, and would love to go back to iPhone. I don’t mind the Droid, so we called to get the new iPhone that just became available with Verizon.I hate being lied to, and being taken advantage of like that!!
Last day in KS
Monday, January 24, 2011 – So after I vented a little (I am sure you will hear about it again) I can talk about the rest of the day. Busy morning today. It is not so common that I have conference calls in the morning, but today I had 3!!!! We planned to pack and move this morning, but I got stuck until after 11:00am with conference calls. In the meantime Patti took Diva to the boarding kennel, and by the time she got back – I was ready to go. She is the best!! I think I am so lucky!!We arrived Premier Coach RV Center in Riverside, MO – about 14 miles north of the campground, and met the service guys. We explained to them all we wanted, and as they promised – they provided us with a full hook-up place for the night in their back lot. Hopefully by the time we are back from Israel our unit will be all ready for dry camping – we are adding couple more solar panels and couple more batteries. Just noticed – the RV is so filthy from the outside from all the bird poop and rotten berried that fell from the tree above us. When we are back we will have to scrub it!
Ran again to Wal-Mart, got couple last gifts for my family, all is packed in three big suitcases (one and a half are gifts) and we are sitting and watching the second hand moving.
Actually – still wrapping up last items and checking that all is packed.
Tomorrow – I might be able to squeeze a short update from Philly airport, and then, the next time is going to be from the Holy Land!
Jan 23, 2011
The countdown begins
Jan 22, 2011
Its not about that
The Normal Abnormal
Jan 21, 2011
Where I Come From
Jan 20, 2011
'IN' Day
Jan 18, 2011
Red Robin, Yummm
Jan 17, 2011
Left Overs
Jan 16, 2011
Mind the Gap
Jan 15, 2011
Drops of Fire
Jan 14, 2011
Signs of Joy
Jan 13, 2011
Status Update
Jan 12, 2011
Losing Interest
Jan 11, 2011
Thermodynamics anyone
Jan 10, 2011
Home Alone Episode I
Jan 9, 2011
Staying in the cold
It is very cold outside, 27° F, but it is cold almost anywhere in the US right now. As cold as it is, it is the warmest day of this week. I am dreading Tuesday and Wednesday. but decided to stay anyways, and try to make it work.
Jan 8, 2011
Cold Welcome to KS
I am terrified! No seriously, I am !! When we started driving this morning the temp was in upper 30’s and the northern we drove the colder it got. I feel like turning around and drive back!