Unexpected events in our personal life, at work and in the economy started a sequence of events that ended up with us becoming a 'Full-Time RVers'. Truth is - we love it! and enjoy every moment we can. On the way, we are learning how to make this huge shift and share those experiences with you.
Jun 26, 2011
Blown up trip
Jun 17, 2011
Fantasy Over
Not so simple these days. the hope that things will get smooth for me, and for my son is gone, and I might need to postpone my travel back North yet again. Just when everything seemed to fall into place and the end of the turmoil was in the visible horizon, everything flipped again. I miss Patti and can’t wait to get out of here. Too much and too long.
Jun 12, 2011
Bumpy Road Take me Home
As you probably know, Patti and I are going through many changes this month, in each and every aspect of our life. This roller coaster ride is not always so smooth, and there are bumps on the way. With a lot of love and energies we just past yet another such bump. Hopefully the last.
Jun 8, 2011
The unfulfilled Itch
Jun 4, 2011
RV Shabbat in CA
It has been just couple days since I posted my last blog post, but these last couple days were so full of events, that if I will wait few more days the blog would either be too long, or I will just forget it. Yesterday was actually a great night, and I am pretty proud of myself for what I prepared, so if you want the menu and recipe, it’s right here, and much more.