Dec 31, 2009

Times Runs Slow in Texas

Last blog for 2009. Summarizing the year and looking forward to a better year to come. In this blog there is also an important request I pass to you from a fellow RVer – so please read on.

Dec 29, 2009

God Bless Texas

The last couple days in Louisiana have passed pretty fast, but the way to Texas was a whole day by itself. The rough roads, and our ignorance caused us some damage. But hey we are here, and have a great lake view from the window, so here are our adventures on the way

Dec 26, 2009

A day in New Orleans

Parlez-vous le français ? (do you speak French?)
J'étais à Nouvelle-Orléans aujourd'hui (I was in New Orleans today)

Wow – what a city – Combination of Paris SOHO, the Jazz Capital of the world, an Historic Battle Field, and one of the best Cajun cuisines you will find. Wild Life, Swamps and nature - the Wet Lands of the USA.
Come join me to a great tour of the Famous French Quarter…

Dec 25, 2009

Green Christmas in the south

Awkward start led to happy ending. I think it is all a state of mind.
I hope y’all had a great time today with your friends and family.  For us it was a very special day.
It was so great today to meet face to face wonderful people, that just like us, have the passion for nature, outdoors and full time RVing. Lotsa stories today, so read on

Dec 24, 2009

Between Chanukah and Christmas

This blog is a mixed up (like most if us) - a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. We are in between holidays, weekends and places.
We moved further west, and had some quiet time between the holidays. I share my thoughts about RV Trip planning, The RV bathroom  and essential accessories.  Read on…Your comments are welcome

Dec 21, 2009

Concluding Mississippi Chapter

Round trip for $3

Monday 12/21/2009 – Woke up late this morning to the view of the sun rays coming through the sky light in the bedroom. It is going to be another beautiful day I thought to myself.
We planned to go to Shepherd State park, a few miles away from the campground. We ate a fast breakfast (cereal) and got ready to go. Hmmm… if breakfast is a fast break, is it redundant to say fast breakfast?  Just thinking.

Dec 19, 2009

Grant us rain, in due abundance, but stop it too, sometimes…

Different Site Same Campground

Another Slide out problem? Oh No!

Saturday 12/19/2009 – So we promised to move this morning to a different site by 10:00 AM. We woke up to a sunny beautiful morning, had coffee (I actually had tea – trying to keep healthy) and started to move everything out of the way, for the slide-outs. I am not sure how Hydraulic pumps work, but we have only one button in our new RV, and it pushes/pulls the slide-outs in one after the other. First the front one – the bedroom, then the living room, then the kitchen. In the middle of the process, the slide-outs stop coming in, and I need to release the button, wait a little while and start again. I am not sure if it suppose to be this way or if something is wrong.

Dec 18, 2009

8 days of Mississippi Chanukah rain

Celebrating in the RV

Friday 12/11/2009 - We left Alabama on Friday afternoon, The evening before the first day of Chanukah. The way to Indian Point RV Resort was sweet and short – less then 2 hours. We even had time to go to WAL-MART and get some groceries before we light the first candle.

Dec 11, 2009

Moving out of AL – Exodus II

The wait is over

Tuesday 12/8/2009 - Finally got the phone call from the shop! the doors are there. We waited over a month for these doors to arrive.
So the guy calls and ask us to be there before 10:00 AM. 2-3 weeks I am after him and now he is in a rush! The place is almost 2 hours away, and we need to pack, unhook and drop the dog at the kennel before that. No way!